Due to the current situation that has been going on for the past year, unfortunately, we had no chance to travel and make new posts on Budapest.

We hope, that the situation will get better very soon, and are eager on updating with some fresh posts.

Stay safe!


An authentic place to visit, with quality and typical Hungarian food. We love their Langos, Gerbeaud Kehely, Gulyas soup, Crepes, Somloi Galuska, Hortobagyi Crepes.
Another plate that they serve, which is definitely not Hungarian, but we strongly recommend is their Burger.
Price-wise a bit expensive, but regarding the quality and the place, it’s still a fair deal.

Gerbeaud’s website

Site Under Construction

Please note that we have just started to populate the site, and it will take several days/weeks before you find complete content.

In the meantime, we invite you to visit us from time to time to see our progress.

Thank you for your understanding,

Petit Budapest Team

New site for the very best only

We are delighted to start a new website regrouping only the very best things to do in Budapest.

Who are we ?
We are Hungarians living abroad and enjoying traveling in Budapest. This city is incredible and we’d like to share our experience with you. So next time you visit the city, you can experience only the best of it. 

Why another website ?
Well, we are fed-up with all the tourist traps, all the non-partial reviews.
We think that, as being insiders and outsiders, we can suggest you only the best so that your stay in Budapest remains memorable!

Petit Budapest Team